We seem to frequently find reason to be festive these days, so we’ll just go with the flow and reel it all in. There is yet another birthday celebration we’d like to share with you here in our Mizar6 universe. There’s nobody like this major dude and his amazingly productive versatility, so let’s hear it for John Tabacco!
An article about FZ, written by John, has recently been published on Classic Rock History. And beyond a doubt he is renowned in certain cercles de connaisseurs for his passionate adoption of Steely Dan orphans, of which we’ll post a catchy tune we hadn’t heard in a long, long, long, long, long, long time. Here’s to you, John!
John Tabacco covered this early Becker & Fagen tune, released in 2007 on his album "Tell Me Why Then"
Gepostet von Steely Dan Covers am Montag, 15. Februar 2016